Pop Star Justin Bieber – “Can we keep him?”


                       Justin Bieber

While some in the USA want him to be deported back to Canada.  Others will be Beliebers for life!


“Deport him!”
“We the people of the United States feel that we are being wrongly represented in the world of pop culture. We would like to see the dangerous, reckless, destructive, and drug abusing, Justin Bieber deported and his green card revoked. He is not only threatening the safety of our people but he is also a terrible influence on our nations youth. We the people would like to remove Justin Bieber from our society,” says the petition.


Some people will joke about the deportation, but it looks like deportation can’t be done as the singer’s act doesn’t merit such a harsh action.
Meaning lots of Believer haters will be disappointed.


With Justin starting to feel the hatred for some Belieber haters, Justin has considered retirement.   Some believe that some people are just bullying the pop star and having there own fun with it to see how far it goes.


Id have to say the funniest report I seen was fake.
Justin Bieber arrested in Austin TX.
” Dont Mess with TEXAS!” BACK to Canada! Lol!”
Hilarious in there eyes but if you ask me, its a form of bullying the pop star.


Is Justin Bieber really letting the bullying get to him? Id say no. He finds it just as funny as his Belieber haters.
Funny thing is at least he supports the lgbt community and sees being gay just like the lgbt community.

“I was just tired of all the ‘I’m acting black comments’. Now I’m not acting black, because legally I am black” Said Justin minutes after signing the papers signifying his blackness “Its like being gay. You don’t choose to be gay you’re born gay. I was born black”
Hoax? Maybe. Justin Bieber never said he was black.


Arrested or whatever it is. The pop star is living his teen years. More or likely will grow out of it. In the mean time I ask.


            Jose A. Rodriguez – Activist

Can we keep Justin Bieber!?!
I love his music and hes so hot! Lol”
Answer to that might just as well be YES!
Since Obama Administration can not deport him.
“As much as it cracks me to read the funny post about deporting him and joking along. Leave the kid alone.
You guys are bullying the kid.”
Believe it or not. I want to hear new music from Justin Bieber. So I’d have to say……
Your haters are only making you more famous. 😉
Keep rocking Justin! Because its only Beauty and the Beat!

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